American Sikh Sangat has been working relentlessly to create a place of shared trust & respect for Sikhs in America, counsel members of the community on Sikh faith and seek welfare for all humanity- the principle on which the Sikh faith is built.

COUNSELING Services on religion
Sikhi (Sikhism) shows how to live a life that remembers the blessings of the almighty, knows the value of Sewa (service) and sharing with the community, and stand for one's own and others' rights with grit and determination.
American Sikh Sangat aims to connect the Sikh community to Sikhi and counsel the American community at large to understand the values of Sikhi. Through events online and offline, awareness camps, workshops and community participation at large, we aim to build a community that understand each other's culture and ethics, has a strong collective as well as individual mind and conscience, is educated and skillful to attain economic growth, is physically strong and away from any addictions, hate and discrimination, can stand up to bullying for oneself and others.

If the world does not see you, it does not recognize you.
Sikhs were the first South Asian group that touched American shores more than a century ago but America does not know much about us. Our identity, our culture is unknown to several and many a times we are at the receiving end of hate and mockery. Our identity, that especially encompasses turban and beard, is looked upon by strangely. This in spite of the fact that Sikhs have played a huge role in the growth of America, have always been a peace loving community serving the needy around.
The only way to change this is by being Visible. In addition to closed offices, Sikhs need to enter sports, newsrooms, entrepreneurship, politics and normalize the Sikh identity on every platform.
We are working to provide a direction to our youth to all these gateways.

LEGAL ASSISTANCE & policy making process
Sikhs have a distinct identity and culture and several issues faced by the community are overlooked because of the lack of representation in the polity.
We have been working relentlessly to build a network that reaches the halls of the Congress where we can place Sikh communities' social, economic, religious and political interests and concerns on the table. We are paving ways to take the voice of the Sikh community to all platforms that matter and impact and participate in the policy making process. Our team of lawyers help community members wherever possible so they are able to get justice and are not run down by fears of facing the legal system even when on the right side. This will mark the difference between the century old struggle of our ancestors and a bright future of our children.

Every generation contributes to the community. If we want to continue to grow as a community, our children must be nurtured and provided with all means necessary for an organic growth. Education for one is the most essential tool. Education that makes them strong both economically and as humans. Sikhi has a way of nurturing minds and giving them a positive direction.
We aim to work with the community to help build a positive atmosphere for our children in schools and sensitize school teachers as well as communities about the culture and values of Sikhism to stop bullying. Through workshops and trainings, we aim to provide a healthy school environment and also teach important skills to children to enable them to earn respect. Helping raise socially aware, mentally strong and economically self reliant children is the goal.

If we have the skill, we must have equal opportunity as anyone else.
Opportunity cannot be based on race, religion or economic status. It must only be based on skill and qualification. Due to a distinct identity, Sikhs have faced discrimination in employment opportunities more often than not. Even after getting an employment, the workplace environment is not very receptive.
Primarily due to the lack of awareness and stereotyping in the extended American community, Sikhs have faced lack of trust in general and in lack of ability in specific. This must go away.
Sikhs are hard working and a community with high moral ethic and we deserve great opportunities. American Sikh Sangat works to bridge this gap by actively working with community leaders, corporate houses, education hubs and local businesses to end the bias.

Sikhs in America have faced discrimination because of a "different" identity. Our culture has been mocked at and our places of worship attacked. Workplaces have been harsh, and we have been bullied at school. Employment opportunities have been taken away because of our appearance and recently incidents of mistaken identity and attacks in the alleys have increased. This impacts the morale of not only our community but also takes away the opportunity of building a safe space for every community living in America. We have contributed hugely to the growth of this land and our children should not feel alien here.
American Sikh Sangat is on a mission to end this hate and discrimination through shared feelings of hope and love, through counselling on our faith and bringing other communities onboard the same shared vision. A society cannot prosper when a section of its people feel insecure and alienated. Nishan Saheb (Sikh flag) must fly high and turbans and Chunnis (cloth used by Sikh women to cover their head) must be respected. And so should the culture of every other religion and ethnicity.